Clear Counseling St. Louis currently accepts Aetna, Anthem, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, BlueCross BlueShield, and UnitedHealthcare. Additional insurance providers expect to be added soon. For providers not accepted, Clear Counseling St. Louis can also provide out of network claim submissions. To determine your insurance coverage please speak directly with your provider. *If you would like to be added to our waitlist to receive treatment upon insurance activation please email karen@clearcounselingstl.com.

Most clients are required to meet certain deductibles and/or handle a co-pay. Such payments are the responsibility of the client and must be collected the day of your appointment.

Clients looking to use insurance for full or partial payment are required to complete the insurance form in the welcome package, present insurance card at their first appointment, and take care of setting up a Therapy Appointment account on www.therapyappointment.com. Instructions below.

Creating Your Therapy Appointment Account

All clients looking to use insurance must create an account on www.therapyappointment.com. To create an account please follow the steps below.

  1. Visit the therapyappointment.com client portal by clicking HERE.
  2. Click "Find Your Therapist" at the bottom of the credentials screen.
  3. In the Therapist Search box please type my name, Karen Faerber, and then click "Search."
  4. The system will find my account and allow you to "Register as a new client." Please click "Register as a new client."
  5. Proceed through the necessary account creation steps. You will be asked for your birthday, an email address, and create a password.
  6. Once your account is created you will arrive in the Client Dashboard. Along the left hand toolbar you will see "My Insurance." Please click this.
  7. Select the large "I have Insurance" button.
  8. Please fill in the required insurance information.
  9. Click save.

Clear Counseling St. Louis

2190 S. Mason Rd.
Suite 301
St. Louis, MO 63131