

This page is a collection of thoughts, tips, inspirations, recommendations, and referrals. All advice and posts are meant to be helpful, but are not a supplement to professional treatment. Featured posts are typically the result of client feedback that have helped inform or motivate during treatment. For any questions please email karen@clearcounselingstl.com. *If you or someone you love is having an emergency this page is not to serve as medical advice. Please call 911.

Virtual Therapy

Virtual therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy.

During a time of such uncertainty with new stresses, new routines, and an overwhelming feeling of loss, our mental health is more important than ever. Our outlook and perspective frame how we confront problems, level through conflict, and balance our mood. Depression and anxiety can become heightened and a need for treatment should far outweigh hesitations towards treatment setting.

While I prefer my in patient sessions like most, the overwhelming response to our temporary virtual appointments has been positive. The core of my work is centered upon connection through conversation to allow an exchange. Video and phone appointments create a pathway for this exchange to occur and many of my patients find these appointments convenient and comfortable.

Our largest obstacle to overcome the virtual transition is preserving the intimacy of an office appointment. It is important we find a space you feel private and secure. I have suggestions and exercises that can we can practice before our sessions begin to assist.

Whether your stress is elevated or you have a little more time on your hands and have considered therapy, I invite you to submit a form and schedule a free 30 minute phone consultation to learn more.

Body + Mind Connection

There is a common misconception to look at the body and mind as completely separate entities. We go to one person when something seems wrong with our body and another when something seems wrong with our mind. Our culture also perpetuates a feeling that some how mental health is less important than our general health. This is just not true.

The more we study the more we learn how interconnected our bodies are to our mind. Symptoms that register physically can originate as ailments mentally and vice versa. As such, improving our health physically can have positive effects on our mind.

Your health should be a 360 degree approach and at Clear Counseling St. Louis we recognize such. Through treatment we will discuss some of your physical habits, conditions, symptoms, in addition to the mental conditionings and behaviors you've developed.


Many of us have awakened to the positive health benefits a regular exercise program can dispel to its patrons. We feel stronger, our endurance improves, and our bodies are able to work much more efficiently. In addition, our mood is often elevated and our body produces endorphins that can make problems much more manageable. At Clear Counseling St. Louis we strongly believe in using fitness and body + mind connection activity as a tool in treatment. This may present its self in something simple like going for a walk or can be something more strenuous.

Fitness should never be allotted as a silver bullet cure though. Those suffering crippling depression, severe anxiety, or debilitating grief are often told "Oh, if you worked out you'd feel better." In these cases our family and friends are trying to help, but hearing all of our problems could go away if we just ran an extra mile is not constructive and can be demoralizing. It is important that if you feel unwell you speak with a licensed professional.

Nutrition & Mental Health

Quality in and quality out. Have you ever heard we are what we eat? Increasing research shows the positive effects a healthy diet can have on your mental health.

Health Eating Habits

There is a good reason food and eating can be linked to how we express some of our mental health disorders. Food can be used as both a mechanism for control and way to find comfort.

Healthy eating habits refer to much more than just science level nutrition. Understanding the behavior around food and the role it plays within our life can be a starting point to understand ourselves and the beginning of using nutrition as a tool for treatment.

The Mind-Gut Connection

One of our current reads is The Mind-Gut Connection, by Emeran Mayer. It is a fascinating look at the link between our body and mind.

New Experiences

New experiences enrich our lives and can often be a great source of joy. Through new experiences we discover new cultures, new beauty, and grow our world through learning. Did you know that new experiences also keep our brain healthy?

As we experience new sensory information our brains form new synapses or mental highways across our neurons. This helps keep our brain healthier and can aid things like memory as we age.

Go out today and learn something new, take a different route to work, and order something new at dinner!

Clear Counseling St. Louis

2190 S. Mason Rd.
Suite 301
St. Louis, MO 63131